Helpful tips for iPad problems

I can’t change the title but this might be useful for older iPhones too I got a reply about issues with games crashing from Wooga Here’s what they said

They have looked into my case and think device compatibility is likely the main reason Although the game usually works on older devices like the iPhone 7 iPad Air 2 or iPad Pro they can’t promise it will work on every device

Don’t worry though they found some helpful tips that could boost your device’s performance and gaming experience

I asked them to send an in-app notification with a link to this info instead of hiding it in their help topics which I’m not sure everyone knows about We’ll see if that happens

Since I have an older iPad I have been doing this for a while now Also I’ve been clearing things off the iPad to improve its speed So now I use my iPad for the main game competitions etc but if anything might crash I play on my phone

I want to give a big thank you to @Due_Reflections6848 for suggesting to turn off beautifications This really helped with the game’s stability I never thought of that so I think others should try that too if they are still having issues

Unless people can update their iPads soon or ask Wooga for new ones this should help with their gaming experience I hope this helps everyone here or their team members

More info from Wooga help below

I play on a newer iPad and so far so good I hope it stays that way However I have heard that animated decorations can also cause issues especially the train

Marlon said:
I play on a newer iPad and so far so good I hope it stays that way However I have heard that animated decorations can also cause issues especially the train

Hopefully I will be upgraded soon and then I’ll be like you That’s a good idea I’m definitely not getting rid of my train though You can’t make me I’d rather have the game freeze than lose all my ugly stuff on the island that’s stored in the boat

Good to know about the animated decorations thanks

Hollis said:
Good to know about the animated decorations thanks

You’re welcome

Marlon said:
I play on a newer iPad and so far so good I hope it stays that way However I have heard that animated decorations can also cause issues especially the train

So if I stash my animated decorations it might help

Worth a try just follow the other tips too

I upgraded my iPad over the weekend and haven’t had any crashes since I had a very old device Thanks for all the info

Timber said:
I upgraded my iPad over the weekend and haven’t had any crashes since I had a very old device Thanks for all the info

Oooooo jealous much

Timber said:
I upgraded my iPad over the weekend and haven’t had any crashes since I had a very old device Thanks for all the info

I am getting ready to upgrade my iPad this month My game is linked to my Apple ID I’m curious how you switched your game to the new Apple ID on your new iPad My game isn’t connected to Facebook Any advice would be great thanks

Since you’re signed in with your Apple ID just log in with your Apple ID on your new device Everything will load up

Shan said:
Since you’re signed in with your Apple ID just log in with your Apple ID on your new device Everything will load up


Just in case anything goes wrong take a picture of your game ID number and write it down put it in a safe place

Zane said:
Just in case anything goes wrong take a picture of your game ID number and write it down put it in a safe place

Thanks Yes I think I almost have it memorized after the issues I’ve read about on this forum and my own recent problems Lol

I use Facebook but like the other user said I just signed in with that on the new one and it was all set Good luck

Thanks so much for looking into this for us I’m glad that turning off beautifications helped

Vanya said:
Thanks so much for looking into this for us I’m glad that turning off beautifications helped

Massively for me Just hope all the other tips help others since I’m fairly savvy with my old trusty iPad

If the game developers are smart they’ll remember that not all users have the latest devices

Vanya said:
If the game developers are smart they’ll remember that not all users have the latest devices

Isn’t this an issue for most mobile games and apps

Wren said:

Vanya said:
If the game developers are smart they’ll remember that not all users have the latest devices

Isn’t this an issue for most mobile games and apps

If mobile games are made for older teens to people in their 30s they usually have the newest phones