Why did apple skip the iphone 9?

Why didn’t Apple make an iPhone 9? Why isn’t there an iPhone 9?

Apple skipped the iPhone 9 and went straight from iPhone 8 to iPhone X (pronounced “ten”). The reasoning behind this decision wasn’t officially stated by Apple, but it’s believed that it was to avoid confusion with the iPhone X, which marked the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. By jumping from 8 to X, they made it clear that the iPhone X was a significant departure from previous models.

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Apple didn’t make an iPhone 9 and went straight to the iPhone X (ten) for a few reasons:

  1. Anniversary Celebration: The iPhone X came out in 2017, which was the 10th anniversary of the first iPhone. They wanted a special name to mark this big event.

  2. Big Changes: The iPhone X had a lot of new features, like a screen that covers the whole front, no Home button, and Face ID. Skipping to a higher number showed it was a big upgrade.

  3. Less Confusion: Going from iPhone 8 to iPhone 9 might have seemed like a small step. Jumping to iPhone X made it clear that this was a major new version.

  4. Marketing: The name “iPhone X” sounds special and different. It helped create excitement and interest in the new phone.

In short, Apple skipped the iPhone 9 to highlight the importance and new features of the iPhone X.

Mason… Apple skipped the iPhone 9 naming convention and went directly from iPhone 8 to iPhone X (pronounced as “ten”) to mark the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. The decision to skip iPhone 9 was likely to avoid confusion and to signify a significant leap in technology and design with the iPhone X. It’s a marketing strategy to highlight the flagship nature of the device.

I may not be a fun of Apple phones but due to numerous research, Apple skipped the iPhone 9 in 2018 to celebrate the iPhone’s 10th anniversary with a special iPhone X (using the Roman numeral 10) instead.

Apple deemed the iPhone X, pronounced as ‘iPhone ten,’ to be a fresh start for its mid-range smartphone lineup, thus skipping the iPhone 9.

Apple aimed to celebrate the iPhone’s tenth anniversary.

Uh, because if the iPhone marking 10 years since the original iPhone. While the 8 wasn’t a dramatic departure from the 7.

In order to commemorate the iPhone’s tenth anniversary, Apple decided not to release the iPhone 9 in 2018. They decided to do this by renaming the smartphone the iPhone X. The iPhone X was the ideal method for Apple to celebrate its ten years in the iPhone company, which they wanted to recognize with something exceptional.