Is it normal to not worry about it? Sounds off to me.
Why is low power mode on above 15-20%? That’s probably why the battery is wearing out faster.
Ollie said:
Why is low power mode on above 15-20%? That’s probably why the battery is wearing out faster.
The battery health is actually 78%, according to 3uTools. But I think the iOS 17 beta and non-original chargers caused some of the damage.
That’s still normal for an older phone like the XS. Non-original chargers don’t really make a huge difference since the iPhone limits how much power it draws. By the way, did you often let the battery drop to 5% before charging?
I used to charge with a local 5W charger, then switched to a 20W copycat Apple charger, and now I’m back to the 5W one. I usually let it drop to 10% or lower before charging.
Alexis said:
I used to charge with a local 5W charger, then switched to a 20W copycat Apple charger, and now I’m back to the 5W one. I usually let it drop to 10% or lower before charging.
Apple usually recommends keeping the battery between 20-80% to reduce wear over time. It’s actually better to charge twice a day between 30-70% rather than letting it drop below 10% regularly. If you want your battery to last longer, try sticking to that range.