Upgraded from my iPhone XR after 4.5 years… got the iPhone 16 Pro

That red on the XR looked so good… I really wish they’d bring back Product Red iPhones.

Lake said:
That red on the XR looked so good… I really wish they’d bring back Product Red iPhones.

Same here. I would’ve gone for a red titanium if they made one.

Macuser001 said:

Lake said:
That red on the XR looked so good… I really wish they’d bring back Product Red iPhones.

Same here. I would’ve gone for a red titanium if they made one.

That would be perfect for an Iron Man fan like me.

Macuser001 said:

Lake said:
That red on the XR looked so good… I really wish they’d bring back Product Red iPhones.

Same here. I would’ve gone for a red titanium if they made one.

Red titanium would’ve been a beauty.

The bezels on that phone were massive.

San said:
The bezels on that phone were massive.

For real… never noticed it until I got the new one.

I made the exact same upgrade… even picked the same colour.

Welcome to the club.

The XR was such a solid phone.

Moniquepal said:
The XR was such a solid phone.

It really was. But iOS 18 slowed it down badly. Even with a new battery, it kept overheating and lagging. Apps would crash, and FaceTime even made it shut down once. Still, it lasted me a good while.

Haha, I did the same. The 120 Hz screen is amazing.

Remy said:
Haha, I did the same. The 120 Hz screen is amazing.

That’s exactly why I got the Pro… it’s so smooth.

How’s the new phone so far? Any issues?

Miller said:
How’s the new phone so far? Any issues?

Loving it so far. Only thing that throws me off is the action button… I keep pressing it instead of volume up. I’ll get used to it.

Which carrier gave you $750? I’ve got an XR too and thinking of upgrading.

Wilder said:
Which carrier gave you $750? I’ve got an XR too and thinking of upgrading.

Verizon. My phone was paid off for years, so they threw big deals at me to keep me from switching.

Wish I had your patience… I say I won’t upgrade every year but always do.

Why not get the Pro Max? The XR looks tiny.

Ezri said:
Why not get the Pro Max? The XR looks tiny.

I like this size. The iPhone X through 16 are all pretty close in size.