My iPhone gave a temperature warning after I accidentally sat on it… anyone else had this happen?

I left my phone on, forgot about it, and sat on it for a while. When I picked it up, it had a temperature warning. First time this has ever happened. Has anyone else had this happen before?

That must have been one powerful heatwave

Rey said:
That must have been one powerful heatwave

Bro turned into a human microwave

Aza said:

Rey said:
That must have been one powerful heatwave

Bro turned into a human microwave

Self-powered air fryer

My guy was out here trying to hatch his phone

Charlie said:
My guy was out here trying to hatch his phone

“To incubating” :broken_heart:

Clove said:

Charlie said:
My guy was out here trying to hatch his phone

“To incubating” :broken_heart:

Yeah, I messed that one up. Meant to just say incubate, but somehow added extra words lol

Your seat must have been a sauna

BillSmith said:
Your seat must have been a sauna

That’s one way to bake a cake

Presley said:

BillSmith said:
Your seat must have been a sauna

That’s one way to bake a cake

Steamed buns, but make it digital

That’s some serious overheating

Maybe don’t sit on it next time

Happened to me a lot when I lived in Arizona

That’s one way to get screen burn-in… iOS should really learn to cool itself down faster

Was it an iPhone 7? Those A10 chips heat up like crazy

Never had any heat issues with my old iPhones. Maybe just a fluke?

Bro got a built-in seat warmer

What exactly happened? Did it shut off?

Man’s sitting down is basically a heat gun

Had this happen when my camera app opened in my pocket. Phone turned into a mini sun