Is anyone else dealing with iPad update issues

I have an iPad Air on v16.5.1 It says there is an update but I keep getting this error

I am getting really annoyed

I thought I was the only one

My phone updated without problems but my iPad did the same thing Eventually it worked and downloaded the update

The message box isn’t helpful at all It makes it seem like there are internet issues when that’s not the case

It took me a few tries to get my phone updated yesterday

I’m having this issue on both my iPhone and iPad I thought it was just my bad internet

Yes This happened to me about 20 minutes ago switching from iOS 17 beta to beta I thought it was my internet

Rebooting and closing all apps worked for me

Harley said:
Rebooting and closing all apps worked for me

I didn’t try closing all the apps but I rebooted and that didn’t help

Looks like I’m not alone

Hale said:
Looks like I’m not alone

It’s working now

Hale said:

Hale said:
Looks like I’m not alone

It’s working now

Not for me

I’m having the same problem on my iPhone

This is happening to a lot of devices I see it on my Apple Watch and iPhone that are on public beta for iOS 17 I’ve tried restarting but that didn’t help It seems to be an issue on Apple’s end since it affects many devices and OS versions

Not just me Thank goodness I thought something was wrong with my phone

This has been happening since August 8th

I was using my iPhone It’s still taking a long time Not sure why

Has something beyond 16.6 come out

As I post this, the Apple Update Server is down It’s not working for any iOS versions

You can’t even downgrade or upgrade iOS on your iPhone with iTunes because it returns an error code

Same issue on my iPhone

Update Someone suggested turning off auto updates and that fixed it