3x zoom
Night mode auto-shot
No editing
Which one is the iPhone?
Top: iPhone
Bottom: S25U
Storm said:
Top: iPhone
Bottom: S25U
Yep, you got it.
Samsung always cranks up the colours on the bottom one.
Kim said:
Samsung always cranks up the colours on the bottom one.
That sounds like the title of your life story.
Kim said:
Samsung always cranks up the colours on the bottom one.
The top one has that classic iPhone colour balance. Easy to spot.
Avery said:
The top one has that classic iPhone colour balance. Easy to spot.
Bottom is the S25U because of the oversaturation.
Blane said:
Bottom is the S25U because of the oversaturation.
Yep, right again.
The bottom one looks sharper, so I assumed Samsung.
Nova said:
The bottom one looks sharper, so I assumed Samsung.
You’re right.
I actually prefer the bottom one, even though I know it’s Samsung.
Blair said:
I actually prefer the bottom one, even though I know it’s Samsung.
Fair enough.
Top is Samsung, bottom is iPhone.
Clarke said:
Top is Samsung, bottom is iPhone.
Nope, S25U is on the bottom.
Both are solid cameras. If you’re serious about mobile photography, you’re going to edit anyway.
That bottom pic has typical Android-level saturation… yet another reason I stick with iPhone.
Bottom one is the iPhone, top is Samsung.
Tatum said:
Bottom one is the iPhone, top is Samsung.
Nah, S25U is on the bottom.