Hi everyone…
I’ve recently heard about these new Instagram Bluetooth glasses and I’m curious to learn more about them. Has anyone here tried them out?
Hi everyone…
I’ve recently heard about these new Instagram Bluetooth glasses and I’m curious to learn more about them. Has anyone here tried them out?
The statement “Instagram would like to use bluetooth, this allows your phone to find and connect to the glasses using a Bluetooth connection” appeared just today after I reinstalled Instagram yesterday. Have you received this message? I’m wondering why I received this given there aren’t any smart glasses close by. Please let me know why I received this mail.
These glasses are a cool piece of technology and I look forward to seeing how they are gonna advance.
Bluetooth sunglasses have speakers and microphones built into the frames, so they play sound in your personal space without fitting into or covering your ears. This design allows you to simultaneously enjoy an audiobook while also keeping an ear out for approaching cars,