Anyone got a super loud alarm ringtone that actually wakes you up?

I use the standard alarm tone. To this day, I jolt awake every time I hear it :rofl::sob::sob::sob:

Hayes said:
I use the standard alarm tone. To this day, I jolt awake every time I hear it :rofl::sob::sob::sob:

That used to work for me too, but now I just sleep through it :joy::joy::joy:. I even set it to go off every 5 minutes, and still no luck.

Okay, hear me out—try using that loud snore meme sound. The ‘AHHHHH’ one. You know the one I mean? :joy:

I do this as a joke for my 4-month-old, and he first stares wide-eyed, then bursts out laughing :joy::joy::skull: