Absolutely Stunned About Accuracy for Auto-Sleep Tracking

Whitney said:
I’ve got the SE1 and mine hasn’t been very accurate, more so lately. Most nights it claims I’m asleep from literally the moment my head hits the pillow.

Mine thinks I’m sleeping if I’m sat in bed watching TV. Basically, as soon as I get in bed, it will say I’m asleep.

10 hours? Phhhh, amateur.

Shay said:
10 hours? Phhhh, amateur.

Heheh. I normally sleep just 7 hours, but when I have my day off or on weekends, I tend to take a nap after the afternoon meal too. :joy::joy:

I’m still on Watch 7 - I use the AutoSleep app, which is often recommended. I just looked at the numbers between AutoSleep and Apple; they are close but not exact, even though it seems to read data from AutoSleep.

I think it’s the other way around; AutoSleep comes from the Health App, no?

Blair said:
I think it’s the other way around; AutoSleep comes from the Health App, no?

Maybe! That would make more sense!

Is there a reason to use sleep focus anymore then?

Angel said:
Is there a reason to use sleep focus anymore then?

I think they introduced this auto-track feature in watchOS 11 and later. Up until then, the watch would only track according to the Sleep Schedule.

Angel said:
Is there a reason to use sleep focus anymore then?

I honestly think—NO.

How to enable? Set start and end time to the same hour?

Hayden said:
How to enable? Set start and end time to the same hour?

You will have to check that with the Health App. It shows literally everything about what your AW can track!

Don’t get too excited. It’ll think you’re sleeping if you’re laying quietly on your couch watching TV.

Bright said:
Don’t get too excited. It’ll think you’re sleeping if you’re laying quietly on your couch watching TV.

Okay! That’s never happened until now. Let’s see :joy::joy:.

Hmm… I can’t seem to get it to work on my S9. It doesn’t track any naps at all, only while sleeping at night and ONLY with the sleep focus activated.

Sunny said:
Hmm… I can’t seem to get it to work on my S9. It doesn’t track any naps at all, only while sleeping at night and ONLY with the sleep focus activated.

Same here; my naps don’t show sleep stages. Can anyone help us understand?

Nah, I can see the sleep stages but only when the sleep focus is activated. Not working with naps and stuff.