What happened to your phone after the accident?

“I see a light!” Looks like a broken phone.


Haha, that background noise was hilarious.

Cameron said:
Haha, that background noise was hilarious.

That’s my buddy, Brandon Herrera.

Honestly, it’s probably not worth fixing. The screen is definitely damaged, and iPhones usually don’t survive big drops like this. If you have the money or AppleCare+, just get a new one.

Now that’s the kind of brightness I need.

How am I supposed to ignore that background sound? :smiling_imp:

The OLED screen is completely destroyed.

What kind of case are you using?

I had the same thing happen after a fall. Here’s a tip: If you plan to reset it to sell or transfer everything to a new phone, be careful during the setup. The screen brightness gets turned all the way up, and you can’t dim it until you’re done with the process.