Should you fix it or just leave it? What exactly are you asking?
TerraTiger said:
Should you fix it or just leave it? What exactly are you asking?
Yep, same question.
Haha, you beat me to it!
Maybe replace the mirror?
It sucks, but hey, that crack looks like some kind of art.
Do you have AppleCare?
Is this a serious question? Just use some magic to fix it.
Try putting packing tape over the broken part and hide it with a case.
Use a clean cloth and wipe off the cracks. Works like a charm!
Either get it fixed or just get a case. It’s not that bad.
Put a case on it or take it to a shop to get it fixed.
Ever heard of ‘Reparo’?
Why not break it more, just for fun?
Just buy a cover.
Maybe some rice can help?
Wait, are you asking if you should fix it or leave it?
Time to sell a kidney, I guess.