Just a note that The Verge says it’s the same
Ah, yes, The Verge. Known for their detailed reporting.
Just a note that The Verge says it’s the same
Ah, yes, The Verge. Known for their detailed reporting.
Lmfao indeed.
They’re the only ones saying there’s an issue.
I don’t trust Verge. They often do clickbait stuff.
Ellison said:
Lmfao indeed.
They’re the only ones saying there’s an issue.
I don’t trust Verge. They often do clickbait stuff.
They’re the only ones saying there’s an issue.
Out of 3 reviews, and one awful video ‘review’ that wasn’t even a review.
So currently, one out of three publications say there is jelly roll.
That’s not a very big statistical sample.
Edit: anddddd he blocked me. Typical.
Yeah, I’m being trolled. I’m out.
Maybe pay attention to:
The first review saying:
I couldn’t see it, even when I recorded myself scrolling at a high frame rate and played it back frame by frame.
And the second review saying:
Apple was quiet about what changed, but for what it’s worth, I’ve yet to see any problems on my test unit.
And the third review saying:
I’m happy to report that, in the new iPad mini, the jelly scrolling issue has been fixed without needing to change the display technology. The new model has an optimized display controller that ensures the entire panel refreshes at the same speed.
And the fourth review saying what the other three said.
And the fact that four reviews say it’s fixed beats one saying it’s not. 1 is way less statistically significant than 4.
Enjoy scrolling.
Just a note that The Verge says it’s the same
Note, four different people are saying it’s fixed and Verge is the only one saying it’s not.
Also note, Verge is a known clickbait site. I had no doubts they’d report it’s the same.
Just a note that The Verge says it’s the same
It’s probably a per unit issue for the display, which is why some have it and some don’t
It’s a basic property of how displays refresh, not a defect. It wouldn’t be universal but not noticeable for everyone.
Now YOU are more than enough! Thanks!
Thanks for the summary.
Lazy update but added welcome features. I understand why they don’t spend too much time and effort upgrading lower volume sells like the Mac mini and iPad mini.
Shannon said:
Lazy update but added welcome features. I understand why they don’t spend too much time and effort upgrading lower volume sells like the Mac mini and iPad mini.
They treat it like a smaller iPad Air.
It’s basically an iPad Air with an iPhone chip. They’ll likely maintain that balance.
It even has the same four colors as the M2 Air.
If Apple put an M-series chip in the iPad Mini, I bet there would be complaints here and other forums about battery life.
Shannon said:
Lazy update but added welcome features. I understand why they don’t spend too much time and effort upgrading lower volume sells like the Mac mini and iPad mini.
Is the Mac mini low volume? I’d imagine that it’s one of their best-selling desktop lines, though overall desktop sales might not be high.
Jelly scrolling isn’t fixed, other reviews clearly show that. If you didn’t notice it before then you won’t notice it now, but if your eyes are sensitive and you did notice it before, then you still will.
Many reviews are saying it has been fixed. https://9to5mac.com/2024/10/22/new-ipad-mini-reviews-jelly-scrolling-is-fixed-probably/
Where are you getting this info from?
Some reviewers are finding a bit of it still exists. Others just say it’s gone because it’s not as noticeable as before. Honestly, it’s more obvious when scrolling text-heavy webpages but the guy in the video uses something else.