Siri Saying My Name Seductively - Has Anyone Else Experienced This?

Hello everyone,

I’ve been having a strange issue with Siri on my iPhone. Every so often (about 3 times a year), Siri will say my name in a long, “seductive” manner, like “Joooohn,” with a slightly husky voice. At first, I thought I might be imagining it, but my wife has heard it too.

Has anyone else experienced something similar with Siri? Any idea what might be causing this? I’m curious if this is a common issue or if there’s something specific going on with my device.

Thanks for any insights or advice :yum:

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If there is no video, it did not happen.

It sounds unusual. This might be a glitch or a quirk in Siri’s voice settings. Try restarting your iPhone and updating to the latest iOS version. If it persists, consider resetting Siri’s settings or contacting Apple Support for further assistance.