Should you use a cover or not?

I’m debating whether to use a case for my phone. Does it ruin the look, or is the protection worth it?

Always use one, even if you have some kind of warranty. It saves you the hassle of replacements and being without your phone.

Nico said:
Always use one, even if you have some kind of warranty. It saves you the hassle of replacements and being without your phone.

But don’t you think it ruins how the phone looks?

Yeah, it does take away from the look, but it’s a small price for keeping it safe.

Nico said:
Always use one, even if you have some kind of warranty. It saves you the hassle of replacements and being without your phone.

Totally agree.

Phones feel nicer without a case, but I still use one because I don’t want to risk breaking mine. I go for clear cases so the design still shows.

Monroe said:
Phones feel nicer without a case, but I still use one because I don’t want to risk breaking mine. I go for clear cases so the design still shows.

Exactly. When I’m at home, I’ll sometimes take the case off just to enjoy the frosted back.

I loved going without a case, but I dropped my phone a month in and it got a small dent. Ordered a clear case immediately after that.

Nevin said:
I loved going without a case, but I dropped my phone a month in and it got a small dent. Ordered a clear case immediately after that.


It just feels better without one.

I go without a case. Feels freeing.

I don’t mind using my phone without a case, but I prefer one since I’m clumsy. My issue is finding the right one. My current case makes the phone too loud when it vibrates, but thicker cases muffle the sound too much. It’s such a struggle to find the balance. Anyone have ideas?

I prefer no case.

I have the exact same phone and case right now. Feels like we’re twins .

Zev said:
I have the exact same phone and case right now. Feels like we’re twins!

Haha, that’s awesome.

Zev said:
I have the exact same phone and case right now. Feels like we’re twins!

Same here. Glad to see others with good taste.

Using a case makes my phone feel heavier.

I recommend a case for protection. I’ve dropped my phone before, and having a case saved it from serious damage.

I always use a case. I have a whole collection of them .

I can’t go without a case. My ultramarine phone looks too nice to risk scratching.