Kindly help… I have ben having this issue for sometime.
Alston said:
I like it. It’s fast and smooth. But I miss a close button for the individual windows
I didn’t even think of that. I will see if that’s possible
Alston said:
I like it. It’s fast and smooth. But I miss a close button for the individual windows
I didn’t even think of that. I will see if that’s possible
If you find an API to close other applications then please let me know. My app could really use this, but I gave up on finding a way. By the way, I love the app and would love to test it. Will it be open source
It won’t be open source, sadly. But I do have an open source app called openartemis if you want to check that out. I figured out how to close windows. You will need to use the accessibility API, of course. Get the reference to the specific window as an AXUIElement and get the close button attribute:
static func getCloseButton(for windowRef: AXUIElement) -> AXUIElement? {
var closeButton: AnyObject?
let result = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(windowRef, kAXCloseButtonAttribute as CFString, &closeButton)
if result == .success {
let closeButtonUIElement = closeButton as! AXUIElement
return closeButtonUIElement
return nil
Then, use it like so:
if let closeButton = getCloseButton(for: windowRef) {
let closeResult = AXUIElementPerformAction(closeButton, kAXPressAction as CFString) }
Hope this helps
No problem. You may also be able to do something like this if you don’t need such specific window control. But, I haven’t tested this and I’d imagine there is some permission or attribute your app will need to be able to do this.
import Cocoa
func closeApplication(named appName: String) {
let runningApps = NSWorkspace.shared.runningApplications
for app in runningApps {
if app.localizedName == appName {
print("Application \(appName) not found")
// Example usage
closeApplication(named: "Safari")
Alston said:
I like it. It’s fast and smooth. But I miss a close button for the individual windows
Good news, I have implemented this and it will be available in the initial release
Alston said:
Good news. Can’t wait to see it in action
You can test it out now! See my other comment:
Hey, thanks! I will look into the minimized functionality
Linden said:
It’s probably releasing in about a month or so. Keep an eye out for ‘DockDoor’ announcement. I will post in this forum
Linden said:
It’s probably releasing in about a month or so. Keep an eye out for ‘DockDoor’ announcement. I will post in this forum
Remind Me! 1 Month