Is it just me or do you also get the urge to try out new workout activities after scrolling through all the options?

I started running just to see what it was like, and now I’m totally hooked on it!

Rowan said:
I started running just to see what it was like, and now I’m totally hooked on it!

That’s awesome! Have you checked out ‘Time to Run’ on fitness+? It helps me keep going when I’m not feeling it.

I’ve been thinking about it! I’ll definitely try it now that you mentioned it. Thanks!

I’m looking for an ‘outdoor HIIT’ workout, something that tracks high intensity as well as movement.

Vanya said:
I’m looking for an ‘outdoor HIIT’ workout, something that tracks high intensity as well as movement.

That would be amazing! Have you tried using the outdoor run/walk mode and just adding some intervals?

It’s set to automatically start a HIIT workout when I reach the oval during certain times. I’ve got water lock and cinema modes on to keep it from showing, and then it all turns off at 7am.

I don’t pay attention to it while I’m being yelled at to work out, but it’s nice to see the effort later. Would be cool if it tracked that effort in distance too.