Is Apple Rushing Their AI Releases?

I kinda like that the way it creates panic

Vic said:
I kinda like that the way it creates panic

They should call it AM (Apple Menance)

Channing said:

Vic said:
I kinda like that the way it creates panic

They should call it AM (Apple Menance)

It’s like clickbait, for your notifications

Vic said:
I kinda like that the way it creates panic

A post yesterday on here said their mother just died. Wtf

Vic said:
I kinda like that the way it creates panic

A little chaos to spice things up

Vic said:
I kinda like that the way it creates panic

And then that panic creates software like Transmit, Coda, and Nova

I still don’t get why they think AI is such a big deal for sales. Why rush out something so bad?

Oakley said:
I still don’t get why they think AI is such a big deal for sales. Why rush out something so bad?

It’s taken over the corporate world. Every strategy now involves some form of LLM.

Gov too. It’s all my agency talks about

Went to a vendor event recently, and if I took a shot every time they mentioned AI, I’d be out cold by the end

It’s a race to control the tech. Whether you like it or not, AI is the future of tech interactions

And rightly so. If other manufacturers didn’t adapt to touchscreens with the iPhone, we wouldn’t be where we are now.

AI has huge potential. It’s an adaptive system that handles inputs like text, images, body movement, and more. It tailors responses based on individual users. No software won’t benefit from that

Nobody’s saying ignore it. But the AI applications now are often incomplete. Like with these notification summaries—users are just going to turn them off once they realise how unreliable they are

Oakley said:
I still don’t get why they think AI is such a big deal for sales. Why rush out something so bad?

They promoted Siri as a major feature when it came out.

This feels like the same thing

Yeah, and Apple didn’t really have anything else new for the iPhone this time. The 16 feels like a 15 with a button change. That’s about it

Oakley said:
I still don’t get why they think AI is such a big deal for sales. Why rush out something so bad?

It’s kind of an Apple thing to release unfinished products and fix them over time

True. We forget that, but it’s really how they operate.

Yup, slap a beta label on it and call it a day

Oakley said:
I still don’t get why they think AI is such a big deal for sales. Why rush out something so bad?

Look at iPhone 16 vs 15 or 14. If you remove the AI stuff, there’s almost no difference. They’re in trouble with upgrades/sales if they don’t push AI. The devices have stagnated so badly, they have no choice but to hype AI and push it out to meet their promises.