Apple Watch Keeps Me on Track Despite My ADHD

What watch face is that?

That calendar widget is so well designed!

Looks really satisfying!

I’m 50 and have been medicated for ADHD since 25. Apple’s innovations have been life-changing for me.

I use Reminders for personal stuff and sync my work calendar with MS Exchange. With the updates, Reminders now show in the Calendar, which is super helpful.

Also, I use the Timer app for everything. Need to remember a stove burner is on? Timer.

I use Calendar Timeline the same way. It’s a lifesaver!

What’s the name of that watch face?

Does the bottom left complication show how much daylight is left?

Aven said:
Does the bottom left complication show how much daylight is left?

Nope, it tells me how long I’ve been in the sun.

RemindMe! 1 day

From that watch face, I’d never have guessed you have ADHD :wink:

How exactly does the watch help with your ADHD? Is it just for calendar stuff or more?

Same, lol. I’d probably end up lost somewhere in Mexico without mine :joy:

Where do I find that face gallery thing?

This watch face is giving me ADHD, haha.